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各路真芯英雄10月4-7日相约SEMICON/FPD China (Special Edition) 汇聚上海

各路真芯英雄10月4-7日相约SEMICON/FPD China (Special Edition) 汇聚上海

感谢您对SEMICON/FPD China的持续关注与支持。 2022年3月以来,因为突发奥密克戎疫情,上海市实行了相应的防控措施。考虑到疫情仍然处在相对严峻的态势,为了保护展商、嘉宾和观众的健康、安全和利益,原计划于6月份召开的SEMICON/FPD China 2022 不得不取消。当前集成电路产业迅速成长,供应链重整布局也在加速进行,产业界正以一种更加开放创新的心态来适应这种新常态。为了配合大半导体产业在中国持续高速发展,为展商提供合作交流的高端平台,通过积极与相关合作方及政府部门沟通协调,我们将举办以下的高规格产业盛会。SEMICON/FPD China SE (Special Edition)



展览及会议地点: 上海新国际博览中心及上海浦东嘉里大酒店

SEMI会严格配合政府的疫情防控措施,保护展商、嘉宾和观众的健康、安全和利益。 展会的变动给展商和参与嘉宾带来诸多不便,我们在深表歉意的同时,SEMI的客户专员也将及时和参展企业及赞助商联系后续事宜。感谢产业界对SEMICON/FPD China的关注与支持,SEMI将积极携手产业伙伴共克时艰,把SEMICON/FPD China营造成一个与日俱进的全球协作与创新的顶级平台!期待金秋十月相聚上海SEMICON China!Dear Exhibitors and Partners,Thank you for your continued support of SEMICON/FPD China. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Omicron pandemic and the corresponding government control measures in Shanghai, we regret to announce the cancellation of SEMICON/FPD China 2022 originally scheduled on June 15-17 at NECC.As the microelectronics design and manufacturing industry continues its growth momentum while adapting to the global chip shortage and supply chain realignment, we face significant challenges as well as new opportunities.
In order to meet the business needs of our partners and deliver the “connect, collaborate and innovate” benefits of the SEMICON platform, the SEMI China team has organized the following premier industry event in the fall:
SEMICON/FPD China SE (Special Edition)Exhibit Dates: October 5-7, 2022Forum Dates: October 4-7, 2022Venue: SNIEC (Shanghai New International Exhibit Center) and Kerry Hotel, Pudong ShanghaiWe offer our sincere apology for the inconvenience caused by this unexpected change. It is SEMI's priority to protect the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors by following the government instructions and approval process regarding pandemic prevention and control.
SEMI team members will contact exhibitors and sponsors to arrange the details for participation in this October event.
Thank you again for your continued support.
We look forward to seeing you at SEMICON/FPD China in Shanghai soon!
SEMI China

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